Our Services

Discover our extensive wellness services designed to support your health and well-being. From personalized fitness training to transformative yoga and meditation sessions, our offerings are tailored to meet your unique personal & professional needs.

Individual/Group classes, Workshops & Consultations are available

In-Person & Virtually

Wellness Retreats

Our rejuvenating retreats aim to restore harmony in your mind & body through movement, nutritious plant-based meals, multi-cultural activities, mindfulness, & relaxation in stunning locations.

Yoga & Meditation

We lead private yoga & meditation classes for individuals & groups as well as community events perfect for new & experienced practitioners.

a view from a retreat villa with a private pool facing the oceana view from a retreat villa with a private pool facing the ocean
a black woman meditating  in a forest with her eyes closed
a black woman meditating  in a forest with her eyes closed
a massage table in a tranquil spa with cultural artifacts
a massage table in a tranquil spa with cultural artifacts
Self-Care Consulting

This service is for individuals needing assistance on their self-care journey.  We help you develop a tailored plan that enables you to prioritize your needs effectively & consistently. 

Corporate Wellness

We provide comprehensive health & wellness services to companies who are seeking to enhance the overall well-being of their employees.  Clients reported decrease in stress, increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, & improved employee satisfaction.

Fitness & Nutrition

Our fitness services range from one-on-one personal training to small & large group sessions, customized for individuals & athletes of all experience levels.  Nutrition consulting is also offered to complement your workout program & ensure you are fueling your body with the proper nutrients.

a plate of fresh local mango, watermelon, and banana at a breakfast table
a plate of fresh local mango, watermelon, and banana at a breakfast table
a black teacher leading meditation for technology company on a beach at a corporate wellness retreat
a black teacher leading meditation for technology company on a beach at a corporate wellness retreat
a black yoga teacher teaching ethnic school children yoga exercises
a black yoga teacher teaching ethnic school children yoga exercises
Youth Wellness

Through interactive and engaging activities we teach children & teens between the ages of 3-18 years old about the importance of their well-being, helping to instill healthy habits from a young age, & setting the foundation for a lifetime of wellness practices.

"Meditating the Mind, Building the Body, Sustaining the Spirit"

Lena Dí Wellness